#Tsibip Videos... Creativity or A Copy of Big Sean's "I Do It" Video

Cassper gave us a nice suprise yesterday, he dropped 2 videos for one song which premiered on 2 different DSTV channels MTV Base and Channel O respectively. While both are pretty cooo; the 1st is 1 continuous shot where he showcases his extensive cap collection and ability to recite his verses and chorus with no cuts and the other a close up of him and other interesting subjects including a python. Both videos, which claim to be original, are obvious copies of Big Sean's "I do It" video he dropped in 0 leven. This video shows a close up of Big Sean with all his jewels, sunglasses, clothing etc including a part where he switches numerous caps like one of Cappers videos. Cassper's video team just made 2 videos of what Sean did in one. Maybe Cassper meant the snake is the original part of the video.

Now I have no problem with the video, it's perfectly executed, nice to watch and all. But when you say something is original when it's not it's a problem. I'm a fan of Cassper but I'm a big fan of Big Sean too so I'm not feeling the impression he's trying to create. Watch the videos below and let me know what you think?

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