Ideas worth vouching for - Switch Wiz

Switch Wiz is a Distribution Board that enables the consumer to learn more about their overall Energy Usage from the comfort of their home. Made up of LED equalisers, numeric keypad, on/off circuit buttons, volume increase and decrease for sound alert, USB port for data collection, flashing LED showing status of meter, over all power usage displays and electricity meter screen.
Switch Wiz will educate every individual on how to SAVE Energy consumption and maintain a sustainable electricity usage. It has a power trip timer, programmed to trip the componet that reflects high usage of electricity. The equaliserrs are made up of 3 sets of colours which correspond accurately with the amount of energy each component on your distribution board consumes. The colour functions are in the order:
GREEN; stands for stable
ORANGE; stand for caution
RED; stands for high usage
The programmed power trip only occurs if you do not attend to the alert sound, which signals a high usage of energy on your distribution board.
With its added features to preload youor electricity prepaid voucher to your Switch Wiz Distribution Board you are now able to allocate funds to your individual components which initially helps you as the consumer understand how much you use on a weekly, monthly or yearly phase of time in terms of money and electricity.
Please vouch for this idea by visiting the following link -