The Best MTN SAMA 19 Pictures

To summarise The 19th Annual SAMA Awards...They weren't as good as last years, there was no yellow carpet but a yellow mat, Khaya has a massive scar on his face, there were quite a few technical problems which some celebrities became victims of (Glen Lewis), the microphones were either not up to standard or not enough, the top winner was Khuli Chana and his Chana Power which obviously worked great for him. Zahara has gained weight clearly eating her money, Proverb's wife looked HELLA, Micasa couldn't stop talking about KIA, Lloyd Cele is still in the music industry, the lady from Mafikizolo wore an umbrella around her waist. Some dancer pissed his pants while dancing or had very sweaty balls and the award presenters did very poor jobs of appearing natural, everything seemed forced. Oh and KIA high-jacked the awards and some of the artists, Donald had a red microphone he thought was very special, Lira stole the show and Chiana Sky became our favourite white girl when she sang in Zulu aiding DJ Zinhle's "My Name Is". Those are the only highlights trust me, now for the pictures below: Follow @ttigersstory