If you're a fan of The Matrix you may catch on to this anology pretty quickly, but if you only watched it for the action scenes and didn't pay much attention to the storyline I'll give you quick run down of what it's about.
The Backstory
The Matrix is the name given to a dreamworld created for human beings to make them believe they're living life as normal, when infact, they are held captive in a dream state where the machines can use humans as a battery source for their survival. So humans believe they are free when infact, they are just being used for the progression of machine kind.
There are humans who have realised this and found a way to break out of the matrix and some use their life to free others who can then help them carry on the fight. In the film, a character named Morpheus leads the fight against machines but has realised he won't be the one to free everyone, but rather there is someone else who is destined to free all humans and win the war against the machines.
The Analogy
Similar comparisons can be drawn between this and the world black people have been living under , in South Africa's case since 1994.
After the ANC won the election in 1994, we all thought it was the start of a new day and the world was starting to accept us, black people, as fellow human beings in good conscious, only to find out it's all an illusion.
For the past 26 plus years black South Africans have been, unconsciously or consciously, learning English and white culture in trying to bridge the gap and find more common ground between us. We've also been educating ourselves and up-skilling to prove we can be more than teachers and helpers. But it seems tall that effort has done little to unite us and the closer we've come to what we think is unity, the further the goal posts have been moved.
The more we challenge the system, the more we realise it was meant to be a trap for black people to remain at the bottom of the system and work at that lower level to keep the system going.
The further we've moved up the value chain the more criticism and resistance we experience, to a point where we are starting to wake up from this dream world. We are starting to see the world for what it really is and it's not a pretty picture.
We've realised that even the people we thought were meant to protect us, like cops and politicians, are agents of the system like Mr. Smith that will even go as far as killing innocent black people just for standing up for what they believe in.
In this analogy, Julius Malema is Morpheus, trying to show people we are living in a dream world but he still believes he's the answer. He hasn't yet realised that he's role rather could be to find "The One" that will free black people and help them see they are the answer to their own liberation.
Why wouldn't I refer to Malema as Neo in this case? Well comment or @ me on Twitter @TTigersstory https://twitter.com/TTigersstory?s=09 with your theory as to why I think he's Morpheus rather than The One.