Cassper's Humble on Twiiter and Beasts on tracks

It aint a secret anymore... AKA and Cassper are back  on bad terms after AKA accused Cassper of lying on his "428 to LA" track. Rather than confirm or deny the allegation Cassper chose the humble route on Twitter andwished AKA well.

Mean while back at the studio Cassper's humbleness is put aside and he lets bars address the issues. It can be argued that these lines are not against AKA but their history and our hunger for beef in hip hop has me thinking otherwise.

In a new track by DJ Xclusiv Cassper drops some lines that take shots at AKA from my view. The lines go...:
"I made a mil, made a mil from a song. Then I made a mil made a mil from my tour. And that's about the same time you made a mil for your boss...Stru you shouldn't have gone at it..."

AKA is not fully independent as he has a deal with Sony so Cassper could be referring to them when he says he made a mil for his boss. Listen to the track, the beef aside it's a hot number, Sakordie drops dope bars aswell.