Jay-Z Proves Never To Rely On A Rapper For Total Support

Jay just practically pulled the middle finger to the president, president Obame, his president, the first black American President. The very president he's been bragging about texting and being pals with. The same president  he supports/supported in campaigning and the very president his wife has been singing for in inaugurations. Jay-Z just released a track, Open Letter, basically saying just because I support you it doesn't mean you can control me. Well that's what many are picking up from it anyway. Is this a case of Jay's impulsiveness and youth still or is he making a brave stand that unfortunately harms The First BLACK American President? (Which is what it's really about)

Jay suggests he had a discussion with the president before his anniversary trip to Cuba where Obama was worried the trip could harm his presidency. Looks like that conversation struck a nerve with Jay-Z and hence this song came out. Jay does nothing short of stepping on the president's toes, clearly indicating that you can't trust a rapper to act accordingly. Within hours of the song's release the presidency distanced itself from Jay's statements, During a White House press briefing earlier today, Politico reporter Donovan Slack asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney whether President Obama gave Jay-Z and BeyoncĂ© clearance for their travel,

"It's a song, Donovan. The President did not communicate with Jay-Z over this trip," press secretary Jay Carney tells Politico reporter.

The Presidency unequivocally rejected giving clearance to Jay to go to Cuba, saying the treasury handles those issues. The point here though is has Jay-Z tainted his relationship with Obama? Has Obama learnt his lesson not to trust rappers to be cordial in dealing with issues like these? Well one thing's for sure, we heard the freedom in his speech. Check the song out below which has over 600 000 listeners so far, what do yall think? In terms of dopeness, it's a hot track. Follow @ttigersstory