Top 10 Possible Reasons Joyce Molamu “Allegedly” Extorts Money From Politicians For A Living - Top Ten Toozdays

10. Cause rappers are too broke and they can’t afford to brake any condoms. The morning after pill or an abortion is a lot to ask for off a rappers budget.

9. She’s competing with her friends who do the same thing, the one who gets the most money and attention by the end of the year wins… She’s up 20 points.

8. Instead of “go to school”, her mama told her to go to ANC parties and ZAR to be successful in life.

7. She was lied to, cheated on, used and abused in previous relationships (like most other girls). And no more, now all rich men will feel the wrath of Joyce.

6. Her dad never hugged her or gave her any money, so she’s tryna get both of that from other older rich men.

5. She’s not doing it for herself but for the wives of the men she frequents… To expose their lying and cheating ways.

4. She’s just trying to keep the balance of life going, men cheat and they need girls to cheat with… Someone’s gotta do it.

3. Laying down, opening your legs and sucking d*ck of sweaty, big-bellied men is hard work. Free accommodation and R20 000 on clothes and spa treatment don’t pay the bills.

2. That’s what models do on their day off.

1. That’s her business, her running costs are sleeping with the men and pretending to have a good time. Income comes from threatening to report them to their wives and making up rape stories and blackmail.

The Tiger Himself
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