Weekend Update - Tshedi From Malaika Is Pregnant, Andile Ncube Not The Father, Julius Malema Inspired Clothing Range
Malaika Star Pregnant - Tshedi, the leading lady from pop group Malaika, is pregnant with her second child. We can be sure that no ordinanry Tom, Dick or Harry is the child's father. Tshedi has decided to keep the identity of the child's father a secret for now. With rumours that Malaika is breaking up,she can't afford to have babies with broke nigg*s anyway. She assures her fans that Malaika isn't breaking up though, saying their new album drops next month. Well we wish her all the best with everything
Andile Ncube Not The Father - Pretty girl Rosette Mogomotsi mislead Andile while they were engaged that she was carrying his baby. Andile then put a ring on her finger to show how commited he was to her, they played fiances for a while and broke up. Then when Andile wanted to be the bigger man, offering to pay damages to Rosette's family she confesses that the baby aint his. Dayum that must've hurt. Now Ncube is allegedly concerned about his health cause Rosette clearly doesn't like condoms with whoever else she sleeps with. Worse thing is that the baby allegedly belongs to a married politician who obviously denies these allegations saying he's being framed. Well let's see what develops from this story.
A Juju Inspired Clothing Label - PTA based clothing designer has got permission from the controversial Julius Malema, to use Juju on his new t-shirt designs. "Juju" ofcourse is the nickname given to the youth leader for all his rants and ravings. The label is set to be launched on the 5th of September. “The idea of creating a label called Juju was born at the ANCYL’s 24th congress in Gallagher Estate in June. It was when I heard more than 5000 delegates chanting his nickname of Juju when [Malema] entered the hall in the company of President Jacob Zuma,” says Ramabodu.
He says he contacted his seniors at the organisation to check if it wouldn’t be a problem to use the name, and was given the green light.
“[Malema] said he does not have a problem because Juju was only a nickname given to him by comrades ,” says Ramabodu.
He says he was honouring Malema’s name, not riding on it .
“When last did you see or hear a fashion label with the name of a politician?” he asked.
“There are T-shirts with Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela and other great leaders but not a label,” says Ramabodu.
He says despite Malema being his leader, he also sees him as a role model whose legacy is going to live forever.
“I personally feel he deserves to be recognised in many ways for what he has achieved,” says Ramabodu.
ANCYL spokesperson Floyd Shivambu says they don’t have a problem with the name being used as a trade mark for the clothing range. He says they respect what Ramabodu is doing as it shows what the youth are capable of.
“We cannot limit the creativity and expression of the young minds of South Africa regarding what they believe. What he is doing shows that the president is idolised by many and youth relate well with him,” says Shivambu.
“If he had used Julius Malema we were going to say something or he would require a permission first, but he is using the nickname,” says Shivambu. (Sundayworld.co.za)
The Tiger Himself
Follow Me On Twitter @ Ttigersstory
Andile Ncube Not The Father - Pretty girl Rosette Mogomotsi mislead Andile while they were engaged that she was carrying his baby. Andile then put a ring on her finger to show how commited he was to her, they played fiances for a while and broke up. Then when Andile wanted to be the bigger man, offering to pay damages to Rosette's family she confesses that the baby aint his. Dayum that must've hurt. Now Ncube is allegedly concerned about his health cause Rosette clearly doesn't like condoms with whoever else she sleeps with. Worse thing is that the baby allegedly belongs to a married politician who obviously denies these allegations saying he's being framed. Well let's see what develops from this story.
A Juju Inspired Clothing Label - PTA based clothing designer has got permission from the controversial Julius Malema, to use Juju on his new t-shirt designs. "Juju" ofcourse is the nickname given to the youth leader for all his rants and ravings. The label is set to be launched on the 5th of September. “The idea of creating a label called Juju was born at the ANCYL’s 24th congress in Gallagher Estate in June. It was when I heard more than 5000 delegates chanting his nickname of Juju when [Malema] entered the hall in the company of President Jacob Zuma,” says Ramabodu.
He says he contacted his seniors at the organisation to check if it wouldn’t be a problem to use the name, and was given the green light.
“[Malema] said he does not have a problem because Juju was only a nickname given to him by comrades ,” says Ramabodu.
He says he was honouring Malema’s name, not riding on it .
“When last did you see or hear a fashion label with the name of a politician?” he asked.
“There are T-shirts with Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela and other great leaders but not a label,” says Ramabodu.
He says despite Malema being his leader, he also sees him as a role model whose legacy is going to live forever.
“I personally feel he deserves to be recognised in many ways for what he has achieved,” says Ramabodu.
ANCYL spokesperson Floyd Shivambu says they don’t have a problem with the name being used as a trade mark for the clothing range. He says they respect what Ramabodu is doing as it shows what the youth are capable of.
“We cannot limit the creativity and expression of the young minds of South Africa regarding what they believe. What he is doing shows that the president is idolised by many and youth relate well with him,” says Shivambu.
“If he had used Julius Malema we were going to say something or he would require a permission first, but he is using the nickname,” says Shivambu. (Sundayworld.co.za)
The Tiger Himself
Follow Me On Twitter @ Ttigersstory