The show will be called B-Dazzled obviously the play being on the "B" for Bonang. It will roughly be 15 minutes long and unlike Nonhle's is not likely to be cancelled as it's going to run on Bonang's website. Nonhle has been hating on Bonang since this announcement, so now we know who she compares herself to. We're more like to compare their careers now hehehe. Here's a sneak peak on what we should expect from Bonang's Show:
The show will be called B-Dazzled obviously the play being on the "B" for Bonang. It will roughly be 15 minutes long and unlike Nonhle's is not likely to be cancelled as it's going to run on Bonang's website. Nonhle has been hating on Bonang since this announcement, so now we know who she compares herself to. We're more like to compare their careers now hehehe. Here's a sneak peak on what we should expect from Bonang's Show: