50's done with her... Now it's my turn.
Since you're younger you need to come across as more mature than your peers. Don not dress like a rapper! No bandannas, baggy jeans and huge shirts. Though Vivica loves her thug looking, fake gangster men, right now she wants someone to marry. So hide your Timberlands and pull out your low key casual shoes.
Find out where and when she does her grocery shopping ang join her. Though you're gonna wait in your car like a stalker until she arrives, she'll never know so suck it in. Here's how to dress. Instead of Ecko unlimited, go for Marc Ecko, the classier, fresher version.
Put on your Marc Ecko shirt or sweater, not too pricey but will make a good enough impression on her. Put on some Ecko jeans aswell, remember not to make them too baggy. And some Marc Ecko Bristle Danube Sneaks. With that you look like you've passed pubity and are looking for more in life than one night of pointless sex.
At 46, Ms Fox is nothing less than a MILF, even though these days a 20 year old can be a MILF with teenage pregnancy so high. But you know what I mean. At this age and stage in life, Viv is over the money and the fame and is looking for love. If you give her that much, shes all yours.
Since you're younger you need to come across as more mature than your peers. Don not dress like a rapper! No bandannas, baggy jeans and huge shirts. Though Vivica loves her thug looking, fake gangster men, right now she wants someone to marry. So hide your Timberlands and pull out your low key casual shoes.
Find out where and when she does her grocery shopping ang join her. Though you're gonna wait in your car like a stalker until she arrives, she'll never know so suck it in. Here's how to dress. Instead of Ecko unlimited, go for Marc Ecko, the classier, fresher version.
Put on your Marc Ecko shirt or sweater, not too pricey but will make a good enough impression on her. Put on some Ecko jeans aswell, remember not to make them too baggy. And some Marc Ecko Bristle Danube Sneaks. With that you look like you've passed pubity and are looking for more in life than one night of pointless sex.
Once you're sure you're well dressed go join her at the shopping centre. There's just one rule, don't be boring. Speak about anything that won't reveal your perverted side and your stupid pot plant obsession. Be funny, share some grocery shopping jokes. Tell her she should've sent 50cent a squash to squash the beef they had. Once she sees your sense of humour she'll be friendlier to you and ignore the other 10 guys trying to get in on the conversation. Before you move to seperate sections of the store ask her for her numbers, and you're in. Take her on a few dates, kiss her on the 1st to show her you're not a coward, and she'll love you long time. Whether you wanna be in and out or cling on her like soap on a rope is up to you. Good luck.
The Tiger Himself follow me on twitter @TTigersstory