Top Ten Most Memorable F*** Ups by Leaders & Celebs - Tiger's Top Ten TOOZDAYZ

10 - Britney Spears: The crotch show, buzzing of the head, tampon string (although Lady Gaga had a similar offense), her sad "comeback", driving with her kid on her lap, the list could go on and on and on.

09 - Ashlee Simpson: The lip-sync. Really? On SNL?

08 - Christian Bale: Bit of a melt-down when his camera guy walks in front of the shot. F@!k, I hate when that happens.

07 - Tara Reid: If you can it a wardrobe malfunction with a resulting boobie slip, you didn't see the minutes she walked around like that.

06 - David Hasselhoff - As if his Baywatch days weren't enough of an embarrassment, his own kids tape him drunk and eating a cheeseburger of the floor. 

And now, unfortunately politics takes the cake.

05. Condeleeza Rice calls Bush her husband. She's unmarried, but somehow makes this slip, "As I was telling my husb...As I was telling President Bush."

04. Karl Rove Raps. Yikes.

03. George Bush - I think I'm more embarrassed than him. What an idiot. And to all of you who are frustrated with Obama right now, I beg you to recall all the stupid-ass things this guy pulled. If the quotes aren't enough, he made fun of himself when he didn't find WMD's, he was attacked by shoe, he groped the German Chancellor Angela Merckel, and many more. 

02. Sarah Palin - She gave an interview in front of Turkey's being slaughtered, she can see Russia from her house, she reads everything ever, but the news makes her sad so she doesn't watch it. She believes God elects the President, not the people, and that states should be divided. And to top it all off, she's still considering running for president. 

01. Dick Cheney shoots his hunting partner in the face and somehow gets him to apologize. 

Now, plenty of Democrats have done some pretty embarrassing things: Clinton runs off with $28,000 of White House furniture, and of course, he didn't have sex with that woman. Obama's been to 57 states with one left to go, he thinks if they'd, we'd, they'd just get, get just, treatment, if they'd got treatment, a breathalyzer...and let's not forget Massatoosetts. But really...are any of these worse than my top five? I think not.