Top 10 adverts/brands we know are lies and don't trust - Tigers Top 10 Tuesdays

10. All Outsurance ads - Whether they cut the middle man out or not they still have the highest premiums and screw us over when it comes to paying out. Their tagline should be... "You always wanna get out!!!"

9. Scorpion Legal Protection - I would feel better placing  a Scorpion employee outside my door as a guard than having him in a courtroom defending me. Maybe Scorpion hasn't realised that guns and batons aren't good for your courtcase.

8. Omo - They've been lying to us for years saying "The brightest white" and all and now "dirt is good?" My mama always told me the opposite. Tsamo reka Omo... NOT.

7. AXE - By now I'm sure all guys who have ever struggled with girls realised that Axe exaggerates a bit. The truth is if you use Axe girls won't be follow you around, but atleast they won't walk the other way though.

6. Governement ads - Telling us that the new toll gate systems is for our benefit when it's their fault they didn't budget correctly for our roads.

5. Hansa Pilsner - It's not "The Kiss of the Saas hop" it's more like "THE PISS OF A LARGE COCK" lmao hehehe.

4. Cigarette ads - It's not about the taste it's more about the image and the addiction. They should be upfront with us and say "Be cool, get addicted and die" lol. R.I.P to the cig addicts, I do it to look cooo.

3. Nivea - There's no such thing as Anti-Wrinkle, there's no stop button when it comes to ageing. Sorry ladies. But no one wants to see a 60 year old that looks like her face has been pulled from all sides anyway.

2. Trust condoms - I trust condoms, I just don't trust Trust condoms. Experiences in the past have taught me not to. And the price of these say it all. Stats S.A should do a study of how many kids were born because of these condoms.

1. Veri-mark - Who claim to only showcase "super-human" products. Endorsed by an old woman with possible sensory problems and an American entrepreneur. Come on now, that's a guarantee of being screwed over.

And that's The Tiger's Story follow the tiger on twitter @flue_id