Pabi Moloi wins this week's Intokazi Full Phat Ass Award

Pabi rocks any look well, even bald she can turn the heads of men wearing neck braces. From her early days on KTV I saw a beautiful woman hidden in the innocence of a child. Now I'm happy to say she has passed the cross roads and become a fine young lady.

Pabi has lost some weight which I'm not so sure I like, but she's kept enough to still classify her as African. Hopefully she likes the way she looks now and decides to keep this look. Her TV career has slowed down a bit, or rather let me say we want to see her on SABC again. I would like to see her more often, if not then I'll see her at all these events we're gonna start attending. Maybe then I'll get a chance to truly appreciate her

It is now my pleasure to present this weeks Intokazi Full Phat Ass Award to Pabi Moloi. As always, you can come collect the prize at my place between 22:00 and 00:00 in the evening. And no it's not what you think it is, unless that's what you want it to be lol.

The Tiger Himself follow the Tiger on twitter @Flue_id