Studies show that the ZCC badge is ugly. Infact 26% of the population isn’t really ugly, they are just wearing a ZCC badge. So a make-over for them is removing the badge, how cheap is that? Given a choice to choose between a pretty ZCC girl with a nice body, and an ugly shapeless girl who isn’t familiar with the Zions... I would choose the ugly girl. I honestly do not know why it irritates me but it does. The ZCC girls also usually wear long dresses with a matching head wrap, so on soccer Fridays you will usually see them from afar with their green and yellow turbans... Really disgusting. But as a human being I look in the inside of a person and what’s on the outside is irrelevant. So I have a plan for me to stop this useless ignorance of the religion and the look. I’m going to re-design the badge.
Maybe it needs to be re-designed or that green patch it comes with needs to change colour. Tonight I will attempt to make them a new design, hopefully that will take the negativity out of the badge because it represents a religion that’s the ONLY reason people wear it in the 1st place. Unless there’s a fashion statement I’m not aware of. If I like this design then I will wear the badge myself when going out.
Maybe it needs to be re-designed or that green patch it comes with needs to change colour. Tonight I will attempt to make them a new design, hopefully that will take the negativity out of the badge because it represents a religion that’s the ONLY reason people wear it in the 1st place. Unless there’s a fashion statement I’m not aware of. If I like this design then I will wear the badge myself when going out.